Kids for Peace has been busy spreading holiday cheer this season. We have "adopted" families, marched in holiday parades, made cards for friends in an orphanage and participated in holiday caroling. At one gathering, a group of over 20 children sang fun and festive songs at a senior center in Carlsbad, California. The children were accompanied on guitar by our Kids for Peace friend, Travis Pauck. Thanks Travis!!! Hugs were given freely and love was felt by all. During this season and always, we send you wishes of peace, love and happiness!!!
It seems that children and adults have firm ideas about saving the harbour seals of La Jolla. At a rally on Sunday, November 23rd, about twenty five children from Kids for Peace, along with many of their parents joined with members of the ‘Save Our San Diego Seals “ coalition at Casa Beach to let their voice be publically heard.
The children sang an original song, written for the occasion, exclaiming that the seals were beautiful and needed our protection. While arranged in rows against the backdrop of about forty seals lying on the beach basking in the afternoon sun, the children’s passion rang out crystal clear.
After the song, La Jolla Friends of the Seals docent Jerry Horna led the group out to the seawall and allowed the children to see the sleeping seals up close, while still keeping the twenty-five foot separation, a distance that seals are most comfortable with. The children held up home made posters they had colored themselves, carrying the message to “Save Our Seals” and “Kids love the seals and don’t want to swim here”. No seals were “flushed” or sent fleeing back into the water, even with the large crowd standing along the seawall.
Jerry emphasized to them that the seals have been using this specific location long before the seawall was built, and that those born here instinctively return or never really leave. The most interesting fact is that the colony has reached a maximum carrying capacity (comfortable number supported by the resources)of about two hundred, and have stayed at that number for several years.
Upon their return to the rally point, the children all signed a petition to the San Diego City Council declaring their wish that the council improve on their efforts to preserve this rookery and beach as a safe haul-out site for the colony. Plans are now underway for the children to make a presentation of the petition at a January session of the council. Members of the coalition handed out flyers to the public urging them to contact their councilperson with the same message.
Our little Kids for Peace group in Perrysburg, Ohio is really taking off. We were lucky enough to participate in our local Veteran's Day parade a few weeks ago. We had been having unseasonably warm weather until the day of the parade and then 35 degrees and rain....YIKES...but the kids were troopers. We bundled up, brought the dogs and all the little siblings and had a great time. Several of the crowd members cheered as we spread our wish for peace. The kids gave handouts, offering each person a "wish for peace," that they created themselves. Thanks to the Kids for Peace family for letting us join you all!!!!